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Meet Board Member Melissa Horton

We are blessed to have a group of business leaders, pastors, and community-minded individuals serving on our board. These leaders continually steer Caring Hands towards a sound future by ensuring that we are fulfilling our mission in the most effective way possible. Meet one of our board members, Melissa Horton.

What do you do for a living?

I’m the Executive Director at Altoona Area Chamber of Commerce.

What is your church home? Lutheran Church of the Cross in Altoona.

When did you first join the Caring Hands board of directors?

June 2018

What inspired you to serve at Caring Hands?

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

1 Peter 1:10

For many years, I watched Caring Hands serve the people of Altoona, and I wanted to be part of what they were doing. The volunteers and staff at Caring Hands have a servant attitude that inspired me to join them in their effort to provide relief for those experiencing food insecurity in the community that raised me.

What do you hope Caring Hands accomplishes in the next 6 months?

I'm hopeful that we can get settled into our new location and consider expanding our service offerings for those in need in our community.

What do you wish people knew about Caring Hands?

I wish folks knew more about what we offer on a daily basis to be able to share it with others in the community who may need our services. It is important to note that Caring Hands operates with the cooperation, prayers, and volunteers from multiple churches in the area. People have joined together in the common thread of serving our neighbors and it's a beautiful thing to be a part of.

Tell us one fun fact most people don't know about you.

I used to be very, THAT's funny!


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602 3rd St SW

Altoona, IA 50009

Altoona Food Pantry
(515) 967-4533

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Thrift Store

Store Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm

Donation Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm


Monday - Friday: 12-5pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

(Appointments only - Call 515.967.4533 - Monday-Friday: 9am-12pm)

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